5 things

Good evening,


Here are 5 things to know from The Office of the Superintendent for Friday, April 24, 2020:


1. GT Referrals for students currently in the 2nd grade through 12th grade are due May 1. Parents have three forms to submit that can be found on our website: https://www.russellvilleschools.net/o/district/page/gt-referral-forms
The three forms are- Parent Referral, Parent Permission to Collect Data, and Home SIGS. For more information or questions contact Dana Sumter, dana.sumter@rsdk12.net.


2. Band and choir sign ups for fifth graders going into sixth grade this August have now been posted. For questions or more information please contact Dewayne Dove, dewayne.dove@rsdk12.net.



band- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeooON9n3IJ_MbwjQqq6CW8Bbi1admBLiTakh_08IkDn-hdMw/viewform?dyRcpb%3AdyRcpb%3Bclick%3AcOuCgd&fbclid=IwAR15bKbfz-2KT2Ig-XMkZbHWHrIR-CUCdjjxyTd1rX12yS5DIH-4NmQNl1E


3. Kindergarten registration packets are due May 1, 2020. Turn in your information as soon as possible at your elementary school's designated outside location.


4. Please consider completing the 2020 Census. You can complete online at https://2020census.gov. It takes ten minutes but is so beneficial to our community over the next ten years!


5. AMI Instruction and Resources are available on all school websites district wide, in both English and Spanish. Resources are available from Pre-k to 12th grade.