Have you visited our Enrollment page?
We have one page for kindergarten, preschool, and virtual learning enrollment, as well as registration for new and returning students!
You can also find important documents and instructions. Check it out!
*The deadline for RSD's virtual learning option is fast approaching! Register your student by March 31st!
Please complete this form to be guaranteed meals for spring break: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7ndsQs6gQXOfi00GELUCXUZz5XBNUilpjv02XvAo_V7Dl-g/viewform
Cyclone Football Parents (7th-12th grade) have a parent meeting scheduled for April 18 at 2:00 p.m. in the cyclone arena. Please plan on attending!
We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey on virtual learning.
¡Queremos escuchar de ti! Tómese unos minutos para completar esta encuesta sobre aprendizaje virtual.
We want to hear from you!
RSD would like to hear from our community, parents, and students! Please take the time to take this short survey on virtual learning. (Your participation is welcome even if you have no interest in enrolling your student in virtual learning for the upcoming school year.) ¡RSD quisiera saber de nuestra comunidad, padres y estudiantes! Tómese el tiempo para responder esta breve encuesta sobre aprendizaje virtual. (Su participación es bienvenida incluso si no tiene interés en inscribir a su estudiante en el aprendizaje virtual para el próximo año escolar).
Important announcement for RSD families: mark your calendars accordingly- Monday, March 1st there will NOT be a one hour early dismissal!
Register now for CSI's First Tee Character Development Program at www.csiyouth.com
Youth Ages 7-12
$15 participation fee, scholarships available
March 23, 2021 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m. at Russellville Country Club
2021 AGATE Conference
FREE Parent Sessions
On Wednesday, Feb. 24th, Include:
6pm - Welcome
6:15-7pm - Colin Seale "Beyond 'Full Potential'"
7-7:45pm - Dr. Jim Delisle "Understanding Your Gifted Child From the Inside Out"
7:45-8:30pm - Lisa Van Gemert "Letters to the Young Gifted"
Register HERE!
Cyclone Cheer has announced technique clinics as well as tryout dates for the 2021-2022 school year for 9th-11th graders.
RHS cheer tryouts are scheduled for March 15-19 from 3:45 p.m.-5:45 p.m. Mandatory parent meeting is set for Sunday, March 14 at 2:30 p.m.
Email Cheer Coach Amanda Coulter for more information, amanda.coulter@rsdk12.net.
RSD families please mark your calendars accordingly- Monday, March 1st there will NOT be a one hour early dismissal!
Reminder for RSD families: Monday and Tuesday, February 22 and 23, are remote learning days for parent-teacher virtual conferences.
Look to the District Calendar for specific times scheduled.
A message from Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher:
RSD campuses will be closed for in-person learning Friday, February 19, 2021. Please stay safe, RSD families! RJ
Un mensaje del Superintendente Dr. Mark Gotcher:
Los campus de RSD estarán cerrados para el aprendizaje en persona viernes 19 de febrero de 2021. ¡Por favor, manténganse a salvo, familias RSD! RJ
RSD families please be advised that Dwight Elementary’s saferoom will be open from 7:00 pm through 12 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17 for anyone who needs a warm place to stay. Please share with anyone in need!
Se les informa a las familias de RSD que la sala de seguridad de la escuela Dwight Elementary estará abierta de 7:00 pm a 12 pm mañana, miércoles 17 de febrero, para cualquier persona que necesite un lugar cálido para quedarse. ¡Comparta con quien lo necesite!
To our RSD families: three of our school’s safe rooms- Crawford, Dwight, and RMS will be open as warming centers beginning Monday, February 15 at 5 pm through 12pm Tuesday, February 16 for those who may need it. Please help us spread the word for anyone who would benefit from a warm place to stay tonight.
A nuestras familias de RSD: tres de las habitaciones seguras de nuestra escuela: Crawford, Dwight y RMS estarán abiertas como centros de calentamiento a partir del lunes 15 de febrero a las 5 pm hasta las 12 pm del martes 16 de febrero para aquellos que puedan necesitarlo. Ayúdenos a difundir el mensaje para todos aquellos que se beneficiarían de un lugar cálido para quedarse esta noche.
A message from Superintendent Dr. Mark Gotcher:
RSD campuses will be closed until further notice for in-person learning. We will continue remote/virtual learning, and will exercise flexibility when assignments are to be completed. Please stay safe, RSD families!
Un mensaje del superintendente Dr. Mark Gotcher:
Los campus de RSD estarán cerrados hasta nuevo aviso para el aprendizaje en persona. Continuaremos con el aprendizaje remoto / virtual y ejerceremos flexibilidad cuando se completen las asignaciones. ¡Por favor, manténganse a salvo, familias de RSD!
Spanish: superintendent Gotcher’s message-
Los campus de RSD estarán cerrados mañana, 15 de febrero, para el aprendizaje en persona y pasaremos al aprendizaje remoto / virtual debido a las inclemencias del tiempo y los cortes de energía en nuestra área.
-Tendremos flexibilidad a la hora de completar las asignaciones.
-Controlaremos el clima y anunciaremos cada noche si la escuela estará cerrada al día siguiente.
-Dado que se nos permiten días de aprendizaje a distancia, no se requerirá que ninguno de estos días se recupere al final del año. Cualquier día no remoto nos haría recuperar los días posteriores al Día de los Caídos.
-¡Por favor, esté seguro y disfrute de la nieve!
Message from the superintendent of Russellville schools, Dr. Mark Gotcher: RSD campuses will be closed tomorrow, February 15th, for in-person learning and we will pivot to remote/virtual learning due to inclement weather and power outages in our area.
-we will exercise flexibility when assignments are to be completed.
-we will monitor the weather and announce each evening as to whether school will be closed the following day.
-Since we are allowed remote learning days, none of these days will be required to be made up at the end of the year. Any non-remote days would cause us to make up days after Memorial Day.
-Please be safe and enjoy the snow!
RSD campuses will be closed tomorrow due to inclement weather-students will participate in remote learning for Monday, February 15, 2021.
Los campus de RSD estarán cerrados mañana debido a las inclemencias del tiempo, los estudiantes participarán en aprendizaje remoto el lunes 15 de febrero de 2021.
ARVAC will be putting collection boxes at all 11 schools and central office one day next week. Their stock of diapers and wipes is low. The end of the drive is 4.15.21.
*Please help fulfill this need if you can.
ATU has postponed Time out for Tech due to inclement weather.